常春藤解析英语-2002年12月号(克漏字#01)美人鱼Mermaids:When children think of mermaids, Disney's tale is the one that usually springs to mind. It is very loosely based on Hans Christian Andersen's story, "The Little Mermaid.",含本文题目、问题选项、单字、片语及解答说明。
常春藤解析英语-2002年12月号(克漏字#02)魔戒之双城奇谋The Lord of the Rings: The Story Continues:摧毁魔戒的任务落到一个名叫佛罗多的小哈比人身上。他的冒险旅途中充满挑战也遭遇多次挫败。结局究竟如何,且待二○○三年十二月上映的第三部曲便知分晓。含本文题目、问题选项、单字、片语及解答说明。
常春藤解析英语-2002年12月号(阅读测验)揭开古夫金字塔的神秘面纱New Discoveries of Giza:On the morning of September 17, 2002, archaeologists working with National Geographic explored a mysterious shaft in the Great Pyramid at Giza….含本文题目、问题选项、单字、片语。