CNN互动英语杂志提供之观光旅游英语系列---第29课--John and May are in debt, and John's salary has been decreased because of cutbacks at his business.约翰和梅背负著债务,而且因为约翰的业绩减少,所以薪资被缩减了。可以做角色扮演, 有声英文电子学习!Life ABC互动英语教学集团版权所有。
CNN互动英语杂志提供之观光旅游英语系列---第26课--After being independent for a while, Lily starts to miss her home and her parents.在莉莉独立生活一阵子之後,她开始想家和她的父母。可以做角色扮演, 有声英文电子学习!Life ABC互动英语教学集团版权所有。
CNN互动英语杂志提供之观光旅游英语系列---第25课--Lily has graduated from high school and is going to college on the other side of the country. This is her first time away from her parents for an extended period of time.莉莉高中毕业後离家到美国西部念大学。这是她第一次长时间离开父母。可以做角色扮演, 有声英文电子学习!Life A