Godzilla大恐龙酷斯拉--Since 1954, when he made his big screen debut, Godzilla has been a part of world culture. The huge, indestructible, dinosaur-like creature started his career in the classic film Godzilla, King of the Monsters. 自从一九五四年首映以来,酷斯拉就成为世界文化的一部分。这只
The Thrill of Watching Scary Movies恐怖片:挑战你的视觉神经 The moment the white-eyed, white-gowned ghost crawls out of the TV, the man within her sights has a heart attack and dies. 双眼翻白,一袭白衣的女鬼缓缓从电视里爬出来,电视萤幕前被她锁定的男人在那一刹那心脏病突发,当场暴毙..…
It's in the Bag袋袋不相传 环保跟著来 As of July 1st, Taiwan started to become a bag-free society. The ban, which was two months ago, restricts government operated businesses from offering free plastic bags. 自七月一日起,台湾开始要成为一个无塑胶袋的社会。两个月前开始实行的这项禁令限制公营事业单位不再提供免费的购物塑胶袋.
Blind Dates男生女生配--A blind date is usually a last resort for the lonely or broken-hearted. Your friends try everything they can to get you out of the dumps. They'll tell you that their neighbor has this cousin who is really sweet. 盲目约会往往是提供给寂寞芳心或失恋者的最後杀手 。