无敌网Topic talk主题式英语会话 Lesson Lesson 10:Asking for Street Directions/ 问路:问街道方向。Hank and Tracy are from out of town. They are trying to find an insurance company, in the Liveville Bank Building.Tracy and Hank have just left the subway station. They see a man leaning against the side of a building. 汉克和崔西是从外地来的,他们要找一家位於活用村银行大楼的保险公司。崔西和汉克刚离开地铁站。他们看见一个男人倚靠在一栋大楼旁。… 本内容由LiveABC互动英语教学集团所属『LiveABC互动英语杂志』所提供
职场英语通Lesson 05:I Beg Your Pardon/一团迷雾。Gaston is our lead scientist. He's here today to give us the results of months of research.盖斯顿是我们的首席科学家。他来这里向我们报告几个月来研究的结果。 LiveABC互动英语教学集团所属『Biz互动英语杂志』所提供
无敌网Topic talk主题式英语会话 Lesson 09:After the Job/ 用电话谈生意:工作完成後。Jthe following week, Janice is constantly on the phone with Liveville Realty.接下来的一周,珍妮丝不断用电话和活用村不动产公司联络。… 本内容由LiveABC互动英语教学集团所属『LiveABC互动英语杂志』所提供
无敌网Topic talk主题式英语会话 Lesson08 :Talking About a Job/ 用电话谈生意:谈论工作内容。Later that morning, Janice is calling Randall Jenkins back.当天晚一点时,珍妮丝回电给蓝道简金斯。。珍妮丝坐在桌前,准备打电话。… 本内容由LiveABC互动英语教学集团所属『LiveABC互动英语杂志』所提供
无敌网Live talk生活会话 Lesson 06:How to Make Yourself Look Beautiful/ 买化妆品:如何变美。 Lori only wanted to buy lipstick, but the Salesclerk has other ideas.萝莉只想买唇膏但是店员有其他想法。… 本内容由LiveABC互动英语教学集团所属『LiveABC互动英语杂志』所提供