无敌网Topic talk主题式英语会话 Lesson Lesson 12:Inside Directions 问路:室内的指示。Now, Hank and Tracy walk inside the Liveville Bank Building and talk to a guard by the door.现在,汉克和崔西走进活用村银行大楼,和门边的警卫说话。… 本内容由LiveABC互动英语教学集团所属『LiveABC互动英语杂志』所提供
最新上线! 无敌网职场英语通Lesson 06:I Get It Now/ 真相大白。Today, Gaston's team has come up with a way to see how people respond to certain stimuli.今天, 盖斯顿的医学小组成员已研拟出一套办法来观察人们对特定刺激物的反应。 LiveABC互动英语教学集团所属『Biz互动英语杂志』所提供
最新上线! 无敌网Topic talk主题式英语会话 Lesson Lesson 10:Asking for More Help/ 问路:寻求更多帮助。Now Tracy and Hank go back to the man.现在崔西和汉克又回去找那个男人。… 本内容由LiveABC互动英语教学集团所属『LiveABC互动英语杂志』所提供
崭新推出! 无敌网Live talk英语生活会话 Lesson 08:Medicine/ 到药妆店:药品。After getting advice on many products from the pharmacist, Ian is finally ready to get his medicine.在得到药剂师对多项产品的建议後,伊恩终於准备好要拿药了。… 本内容由LiveABC互动英语教学集团所属『LiveABC互动英语杂志』所提供
无敌网Live talk生活会话 Lesson 07:Numerous Products/ 到药妆店01:多项产品。Ian is using his lunch break to stop in at the drugstore near his office. There, he sees a coworker.伊恩利用午休时间到办公室附近的药局买东西。他在那里看到一位同事。…生动有趣的对白,搭配真人mp3音质,还可以做角色扮演哦!欢迎无敌英语学习家下载! 本内容由LiveABC互动英语教学集团所属『LiveABC互动英语杂志』所提供